Early evaluation and treatment can have a significant impact on the overall health of infants. We recommend you bring your child in for a checkup within six months of the eruption of their first baby tooth. Doing so will allow us to monitor their oral health and ensure their teeth are growing properly.
We maintain a preventive mindset at our practice, providing thorough examinations and detailed explanations that will allow us to catch problems early on and help each child best maintain his or her natural smile.
Children should have an established dental home by the time they are 1 year old. Children who have a dental home are more likely to receive appropriate preventive and routine oral health care. We will ensure all treatments and services will be adapted to meet your child’s needs.
At some point in their life, your child will likely need some kind of restorative dentistry care. Our team at Kids Dental Care provides advanced restorative services that will strengthen the function of your child’s teeth, correct damage, prevent harmful problems, and restore their beautiful smile.
We are committed to working with the most up-to-date dental technologies because we know they help us better identify, treat and prevent dental problems and, ultimately, better serve your child. For instance, we use digital x-rays to take highly-detailed, safe images of your child’s mouth. These images allows us to more easily diagnose dental problems and determine the very best treatment for each case.